Saturday, October 24, 2009

4 October 2009 - Fybie - 1 yr 1 day old - Birthday Celebration at US Doggie Bakery

Mummy and Daddy Loves your Gazillion!!!~

And we are so excited and happy to see you enjoying your own cake!!!

24 October 2009 - Fybie - 1 yr 20 days old - Sore Back Right Paw

I am so silly. its been 1-2 weeks when we discovered that Fybie has been nibbling back right paw and I did not even notice the red itchy flaky skin in between her paw's under pads. only on the 24 October 2009, 2am, then i discovered. I am such a poor mum. Luckily, i convinced Felix to bring Fybie to the vet first thing in the morning or afternoon Felix wakes up. he has been unwilling to bring Fybie to the vet cos he wanted to observe for a period of time. sometimes, i just disagrees with him. i think u can be plain lazy at times. when i mentioned to felix about bringing Fybie to the vet, he even mentioned that he just got his car washed. but i think he cares for Fybie too, so he agrees.

Here are some pictures of poor little Fybie and her sore paws. heartache.
These are some photos I took about 1 week or 2 ago where there was a small swelling, but it healed.

These are the photos I took of her sore paws where you can notice itchy flaky red irritated skin between her paw's under pads.

Some research discovery:

I have 3 small dog whose paws show red, itchy and inflamed swellings, or rather on the edge of their paws and in between the pads. This problem has ocurred during the past month. I am keeping their paws as clean as I can and applying sudocream at least once a day. Could you advise if dogs suffer with chilblains and am I treating them properly.

......There is a tiny microscopic bug called "sarcoptic mange." It is goes into the hair follicles and makes the skin red and itchy. It usually affects the feet and ears. It is contagious to other dogs and even people. It can be diagnosed with a skin scaping and an exam under the microscope except it is often difficult to get a good sample. So, often if we think it is mange, we just treat for it. You would need a precription medication to treat this. I would make sure that your vet knows that all the dogs are affected. Not just one.

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Sarcoptic Mange in Dogs
Very Contagious Scabies Mites Cause Itchy Skin in a Dog, Humans

Sarcoptic mange is a very itchy skin condition in dogs caused by parasitic mites. Called scabies in humans, mange mites can be difficult to treat.

Sarcoptic mange causes intensely itchy skin in dogs, cats and other mammals. Caused by parasitic mites, sarcoptic mange is extremely contagious to other pets and humans. In humans, the itchy skin condition is called scabies.

What is Sarcoptic Mange and Scabies?
A dog may catch sarcoptic mange from another dog, cat or during a trip outside, particularly in thickly wooded areas with an abundance of wildlife. A dog can get sarcoptic mange from a human suffering from scabies. Scabies/sarcoptic mange is one of the few medical conditions that can be transmitted between dogs and humans.

According to Dr. Michael Levine, DVM, a dog develops sarcoptic mange when parasitic mites are transferred onto the dog's body. The female mite burrows into the skin and lays eggs beneath the skin's surface. As a result, of the mite infestation, the dog's skin will develop an allergic reaction. This allergic reaction causes the dog's skin to itch, flake and in some severe cases, the dog's skin will take on a red, swollen appearance over large areas.

Symptoms of Sarcoptic Mange in Dogs include:

-Red bug bite-like bumps, often with a red dot in the center
-Itchy, flaky skin
-Red, inflamed skin
-Sores and scabbing
-Fur loss
-intense, near-constant itching
-Crusty ear tips

Often, in the early stages, a dog with sarcoptic mange is misdiagnosed as having allergic dermatitis since the mites are difficult to detect by diagnostic methods like a skin scraping. But left untreated, the dog's red, itchy, flaky skin will only worsen.

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